Independence Day Celebrations 2020
Delhi Public School, Durgapur celebrated 74th Independence Day through a virtual platform by remembering the brave freedom fighters who liberated our country from almost two hundred years of British rule. The unique programme was to remember all who had sacrificed their lives in this struggle to restore justice, liberty and equality. The programme was solemnized by flag hoisting by the Principal, Sri. Umesh Ch. Jaiswal. The welcome song, Vandemataram was followed by Bengali and Hindi poem recitation .The dance performances on “O Tiranga Pyare” and “Durgamo Giri Kantar Moru ”and “Kadam Kadam Baraye Ja” by Bulbul was also presented.The Chief guest Dr. Jheelam Mukhopadhyay, in her speech appealed the students to remember the contributions of all who are trying to make the world a better place to live in. The Principal emphasised in his speech, the need to make new commitments for healthy future and for the betterment of the Nation. The live programme on facebook was followed and appreciated by the students and parents.